In 2013, Iowa restructured statewide victim services. This was a collaborative effort between the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence, comprehensive sexual assault and domestic violence victim service programs, and state legislators.
Why restructure victim services?
By restructuring our service delivery model, we provide more ways for survivors to access a wider array of services. Restructuring connects victim service programs with more survivors and provides them with additional and necessary services. The plan allowed victim service programs across the state to strengthen their relationships with community and county organizations, individuals, and businesses. It also created an opportunity for victim service programs to reimagine service delivery, make critical decisions about financial resource allocation and service delivery, and continue to move victim services in an increasingly productive direction.
The results
What we learned is that sexual assault survivors were vastly underserved by victim service programs through the old model of service delivery. Since the 2013 restructuring, Iowa victim service programs have seen a 250 percent increase in the number of sexual assault survivors served and a 45 percent increase in the number of domestic abuse survivors served. Iowa now serves as a national model for service delivery.
The state of Iowa is split into 6 regions for service delivery. IowaCASA works with victim service programs in each region. Our victim service programs serve survivors in all 99 counties. Below is a regional map. For questions about the Iowa regional map or restructuring, contact us.

Region 1:
Centers Against Abuse and Sexual Assault (Sexual Assault Services)
Council on Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence (Shelter & Housing Services)
Region 2:
Crisis Intervention Service (Sexual Assault Services)
Domestic/Sexual Assault Outreach Center (Shelter & Housing Services)
Region 3:
Riverview Center (Sexual Assault Services)
Friends of the Family (Shelter & Housing Services)
Region 4:
Catholic Charities Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Program (Sexual Assault & Housing Services)
Crisis Intervention & Advocacy Center (Sexual Assault Services)
Region 5:
Crisis Intervention Services (Sexual Assault & Housing Services)
Polk County Crisis & Advocacy Center (Sexual Assault Services)
Children & Families of Iowa (Shelter & Housing Services)
Region 6:
Rape Victim Advocacy Program (Sexual Assault Services)
Domestic Violence Intervention Program (Shelter & Housing Services)
Survivor Services Family Resources (Sexual Assault & Housing Services)
Culturally Specific Services:
Amani Community Services (for African American survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in Black Hawk and Linn counties): Region 3Latinas Unidas Por Un Nuevo Amanecer, or LUNA (for Latino survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault): Regions 2 and 5
Meskwaki Victim Services (for Meskwaki Nation and Native American survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault): Region 2
Monsoon Asians & Pacific Islanders in Solidarity (for Asian Pacific Islander survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault): Regions 5 and 6
Nisaa African Family Services (for African Immigrant and Refugee survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault): Regions 5 and 6
Thrive Together (for Deaf and Hard of Hearing survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence, bullying, and/or stalking): Region 3