What We Do
The Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (IowaCASA) is a statewide organization. Our mission is to end sexual violence and improve support available to survivors of sexual assault. We advocate on behalf of survivors and victim advocates.
IowaCASA provides a bridge between advocates at sexual assault service programs, statewide policy makers, and federal responses to sexual violence and violence against women. Advocates are trained professionals whose jobs are to support sexual assault survivors.

Image is of a teal ribbon laying on a neutral backdrop
IowaCASA holds quarterly meetings with our membership, which is made up of 22 service programs working in all 99 counties. Through our membership meetings, we help to relay the challenges and successes of local programs to the national level and convey promising practices emerging at the national level to Iowa's service providers.
The coalition supports survivors in the following ways:
We support high-quality advocacy services through implementing training, certification, and service standards for advocates and programs.
We advocate on the state and federal level for effective and coordinated service for individuals who have experienced sexual violence.
We educate the public on the root causes and effects of sexual violence.
We work with state policymakers and governmental organizations to create and sustain effective laws and policies that will protect people who have experienced sexual violence.
We regularly participate in statewide boards and commissions to advocate for effective responses to sexual violence within our state.
We advocate for state and federal funding for local sexual assault service programs.
We provide training and support to sexual assault service programs on organizational development and infrastructure.
We develop a statewide plan to prevent sexual violence before it begins.