Meet the Team
The Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (IowaCASA) is a vibrant organization working to unite people and organizations to promote a society free from sexual violence and to meet the diverse needs of survivors. IowaCASA is a small, statewide non-profit organization that provides a friendly, fast-paced work environment.
The Resource Sharing Project is part of a national movement of sexual violence-related services and resources. Led by the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the Resource Sharing Project was created to help sexual assault coalitions across the country access the resources they need in order to thrive as they work to support survivors and end sexual assault.
LaShae Lopez
Rural Technical Assistance Coordinator for the Resource Sharing Project
Board of Directors
Dawn Collins, President
Edward Jones
Yoshida Thomas
Way Pointe​​
Kristin Clayton, Treasurer
Oakridge Neighborhood
Anasia C. Sturdivant
LSW, Community Member
Shalisa Gladney
Ujima, NCVAW
Alissa Spidell
University of Northern Iowa
Jonathan Grieder
Community Member​
Amy Bingaman
Broadlawns Medical Center
Pierce Zanders
Sammons Financial, Community Member